Specialist programs

Educational Pathways (formally Special Options) – Madison Park School has 2 Special Classes and 3 Disability Unit Classes.

Sports – We offer a variety of sporting opportunities throughout each year.

Educational Pathways

Madison Park School has 2 Special Classes and 3 Disability Unit Classes. These classes have less students in them than our mainstream classes, ensuring we are able to better differentiate their learning to meet their needs. We aim for our Educational Pathway classes to be inclusive with the rest of the school by accessing the yard, sports days, assemblies and concerts with the rest of the school. Our Educational Pathway classes also access swimming lessons weekly and excursions throughout the year.

Enrolling in an Educational Pathways class is different to a mainstream class. Please see the enrolment section of our website on how to enquire about enrolling in an Educational Pathways class.


Students can develop team play and team building skills through our specialist sports program. The program is run by a specialist teacher and volunteer parent coaches. Our program includes: 

  • SAPSASA events 
  • sports day
  • swimming and aquatics lessons. 

We also offer lunchtime activities in the gym, which vary each week such as basketball, soccer and badminton.